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Yahoo Finance Sentiment Analysis Using yahoo_fin Library

Step 1: Install Required Libraries

First, install the yahoo_fin and TextBlob libraries using pip:

pip install yahoo_fin textblob

Step 2: Sample Python Code

This script uses yahoo_fin to fetch the latest news articles for a given stock ticker symbol, then uses TextBlob to analyze the sentiment of these news articles.

from yahoo_fin import stock_info as si
from yahoo_fin import news as nf
from textblob import TextBlob
import pandas as pd

# Define the stock ticker symbol
ticker = "AAPL"  # Example: Apple Inc.

# Fetch latest news articles for the stock
news = nf.get_yf_rss(ticker)

# Extract news titles and links
news_data = []
for article in news:
        "title": article["title"],
        "link": article["link"],

# Convert news data to a DataFrame
news_df = pd.DataFrame(news_data)

# Function to analyze sentiment
def analyze_sentiment(text):
    blob = TextBlob(text)
    return blob.sentiment.polarity

# Apply sentiment analysis to news titles
news_df['sentiment'] = news_df['title'].apply(analyze_sentiment)

# Display news with sentiment scores

# Calculate the average sentiment
average_sentiment = news_df['sentiment'].mean()
print(f"\nAverage Sentiment for {ticker}: {average_sentiment:.2f}")

How the Code Works:


This script provides a good starting point for building a sentiment analysis tool based on news data fetched from Yahoo Finance using the unofficial yahoo_fin API.